The Grant and Tax Environment for Innovation in Iceland

A big thanks to the Association of Start-ups in Iceland (Samtök Sprotafyrirtækja, SSP), Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI), The Icelandic Center for Research (Rannís) and the Technology Development Fund (Tækniþróunarsjóður) for an informative and inspiring event focusing on the grant and tax environment for tech startups in Iceland. 

We were invited to share our experience from applying for and receiving grants from the Technology Development Fund. Íris Baldursdóttir, our CEO, focused on how the grant environment has benefited Snerpa Power in getting further and faster through our technical roadmap, and our approach when applying for grants. Another company sharing their experience was Orf líftækni, presented by Jón Már Björnsson, their CFO. 

Overall, the event was very well attended,  highly informative and inspirational! 

A recording from the event is available here


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Market Design Specialist, Dr. Gerard Doorman, joins our Advisory Board